While the money tug of war between billionaires and millionaires continues, Mary Saenz is just worried about staying afloat financially. She works as a security guard with the San Antonio Spurs and depends on the extra money she receives from that job to support her and her family. Without the season, it's going to be really hard for her and her family to adjust to a smaller income, and she's not alone. There are hundreds of other workers similar to her that are out of jobs and will go through hard financial times because of this lockout.
Businesses and restaurants near stadiums will be similarly affected. Around a basketball arena, there are a number of shops and food joints that depend on fans to stop by as they go to a game. Without a season, these businesses will lose many of their customers and, therefore, much of their income. Mel's Diner in Sacramento is one of many businesses that is contemplating shutting down to try to cut their losses if the lockout continues.

Why would they do this then if it doesn't even benefit themselves financially? Future orientation. Americans all seem to have this notion that sacrificing in the short term for a better future is always worth it. Therefore, we are always making decisions based off of what will be better in the long run, and the NBA owners think that canceling games will cause the players to cave, and they will get what they want.
On the other hand, their actions are very greedy. The fact that they are taking hundreds of people who desperately need money out of their jobs shows that Americans are also very individualistic and think only about themselves. This is because Americans seem to have this idea that they are competing with everybody else for money rather than cooperating. Therefore, it's every man for themselves, and decisions, like the owners decision to cancel the basketball games and take many people out of their jobs, are always made selfishly.
Ross you are a boss and this is very true with workers losing even minimum wages which they desperately need to get buy when billionaires are arguing to millionaires about how to split up 4 billion dollars
ReplyDeleteA provocative post, but I wonder if you can generalize from these NBA owners to ALL Americans? I'm not sure I agree that Americans will sacrifice for long-term gain, as we've seen with the budget crises in the American government. Nice links.